How it works

Signing up is easy! Join the quest to beat MS and register now.

You can stream once, a couple times, or through the whole month in support!

We can't do this alone! Spread the word by inviting other friends to stream as well, share on socials, tell family, and help make this an incredible month.
Streamers, Register for the Boss Battles
Streaming Festival in Support of MS Today!
There are over 90,000 Canadians living with MS, and more than 2.8 million worldwide. With this streaming festival, we can do our part to help end MS.
Stream, create, or fundraise any which way during this month that works for you. Anyone, anywhere in the world can register and do their fundraisers at any time on your schedule.
You can register yourself, or sign up and create a team for your friends, stream teams, or family!
Let’s end MS – together!
This is a Streaming Festival and Fundraising event that anyone, anywhere can sign up for. You can join in on the fight against MS and help fundraise.
From July 1 to July 31, streamers will come together to raise funds for MS Canada, with proceeds going toward research into the cause and a cure for multiple sclerosis (MS). Canada is home to some of the world’s leading MS researchers. Any streamer, big or small, any gamer, big or small, can register for the event as an individual or as a part of a team.
What makes this campaign unique is the Boss Battles concept! Adding some extra fun to FUNdraising, we've designed this month-long campaign as an adventure. Our volunteers have designed eight bosses that we collectively defeat through the course of the month through fundraising!
To “beat” all the bosses, we hope we fundraise $30,000 or more collectively. Whether you can do one stream, or stream a week, or stream the whole month, you can help make a difference!
If you’re not a streamer, you can still fundraise!
Our Boss Battles Guidebook goes over some ways to fundraise, but ultimately you can fundraise in any manner you’d like to earn rewards!
In Canada, we have some of the HIGHEST rates in the world and we want streamers to be in on the fight to help end MS. People are diagnosed with MS generally between the ages 20-40, prime life building years. MS affects women 3 to 1.
MS affects us all and we want you to join the fight! To date, Gamers vs MS events have raised over $350,000 for MS Canada
For those fundraising for the Gamers Vs MS project benefiting MS Canada, we also have some physical rewards for certain milestone amounts! Here are the three currently available.
Shipping is only available to Canada and USA addresses, but we do thank you all for the support, anywhere you may be helping from.

Fundraising amounts are cumulative for the year. For example, if you participate in two events this year and one you raise $600 and the next you raise $500, you are eligible for the Elite Fundraiser Medal!
$200 – T-Shirt
Raise over $200 for Gamers vs MS in 2024, and you will be sent our 2024 design t-shirt.
$1000 – Elite Fundraiser Medal
You are an elite Gamers Vs MS fundraiser in 2024 and will be sent a 2024 design medal.
Gamers vs MS Mousepad
Register for Boss Battles: Streaming Festival to Defeat MS 2024 and get your first donation
(self-donation counts!). The first 70 sign-ups get this reward!

2024 Bosses
HP: 2,500

HP: 7,500

HP: 13,750

HP: 21,250
HP: 5,000

HP: 10,000

HP: 17,500